šŸ‘‹ Hello there, Iā€™m Siddharth šŸ¤–

šŸ« I am a final year graduate student at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

šŸŒŸ Introduction

šŸ‘‹ Greetings! Iā€™m a passionate graduate student in Robotics and Automation Engineering, on a mission to craft projects that blend cutting-edge technology with societal impact. šŸ¤– My lifelong fascination with robots fueled my dream of simplifying and automating tasks.

šŸŽ“ Pursuing an undergraduate and a graduate degree in Robotics and Automation, my journey has been a deep dive into diverse technologies: from foundational electronics, controllers, processors, and sensors to advanced realms like Linux-based systems, ROS (Robot Operating System), Robot Kinematics, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence.

šŸ› ļø My focus? The fusion of these technologies, particularly in the captivating field of autonomous mobile robots and robotic arms. šŸš€ My projects stand as testaments to this commitment, with more innovations in the pipeline.

šŸ” Now, as a graduate student, Iā€™m eagerly eyeing a full-time role where I can channel my skills, knowledge, and robotics passion into real-world applications.

The journey has just begun, miles to go before I sleep šŸ’”!!!